I have been doing a lot of study on the lost books and the apocrypha books of Scripture, and after many years I have developed a list of the 70 secret books which I am very confident are the 70 secret books of Scripture that Ezra restored. Furthermore, nowhere does a list of the 70 secret books of Scripture that Ezra restored survive. The sad thing is however, many books of Scripture are now once against completely lost, with no one knowing where they are. 14:47 For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the river of knowledge.” 14:48 And I did so.” 14:45 And when the forty days were ended, the Most High spoke to me, saying, “Make public the twenty-four books that you wrote first and let the worthy and the unworthy read them 14:46 but keep the seventy that were written last, in order to give them to the wise among your people. 14:44 So during the forty days ninety-four books were written. 14:43 As for me, I spoke in the daytime and was not silent at night. They sat forty days, and wrote during the daytime, and ate their bread at night. 14:42 And the Most High gave understanding to the five men, and by turns they wrote what was dictated, in characters which they did not know. 14:40 And I took it and drank and when I had drunk it, my heart poured forth understanding, and wisdom increased in my breast, for my spirit retained its memory 14:41 and my mouth was opened, and was no longer closed.
14:38 And on the next day, behold, a voice called me, saying, “Ezra, open your mouth and drink what I give you to drink.” 14:39 Then I opened my mouth, and behold, a full cup was offered to me it was full of something like water, but its color was like fire. 26 And when you have finished, some things you shall make public, and some you shall deliver in secret to the wise tomorrow at this hour you shall begin to write.” 14:37 So I took the five men, as he commanded me, and we proceeded to the field, and remained there. 24 But prepare for yourself many writing tablets, and take with you Sarea, Dabria, Selemia, Ethanus, and Asiel - these five, because they are trained to write rapidly 25 and you shall come here, and I will light in your heart the lamp of understanding, which shall not be put out until what you are about to write is finished. 22 If then I have found favor before thee, send the Holy Spirit into me, and I will write everything that has happened in the world from the beginning, the things which were written in thy law, that men may be able to find the path, and that those who wish to live in the last days may live.” 23 He answered me and said, “Go and gather the people, and tell them not to seek you for forty days. 21 For thy law has been burned, and so no one knows the things which have been done or will be done by thee. 20 For behold, I will go, as thou hast commanded me, and I will reprove the people who are now living but who will warn those who will be born hereafter? For the world lies in darkness, and its inhabitants are without light. The account of Ezra restoring the Scriptures is found here: 2 Esdras 14:19-26 37-48 “19 Then I answered and said, “Let me speak in thy presence, Lord. In total, Ezra restored 94 books of Scripture which were lost to the people of Israel.

The final 70 books however which they restored last, God commanded Ezra and the faithful to hide those books and make them secret/apocrypha books, not sharing them with everyone, but only sharing them with those who were tested and found to be worthy. Ezra tells us that of all the books which were written, there were 24 books which they first restored, and those first 24 books were the books which God wanted Ezra and the faithful to share with everyone, whether they be righteous or sinful.

For forty days, he and five men who were his scribes rewrote from charred unreadable scrolls that they had found in pots all of the books of Scripture that were written before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. God answered that prayer, and restored the Scriptures through Ezra. Knowing that in his time all the Scriptures became lost, Ezra prayed to God and asked him to restore the Scriptures. Ezra realized how doomed humanity was without God’s word. The prophet Ezra, who is the author of the Book of Ezra in the Bibles of all the Jews and Christians, when he was in exile, he was given visions from the Most High, and Ezra wrote down everything that God revealed to him.